Top Reasons Why Your Hair is Falling

November 24, 2017

One of the most common complaints women have with their hair is that it breaks and falls a lot. If you face a similar problem, don’t worry because you’re not alone.

Certain factors play an important part in increasing the likelihood of hair breakage. Some of these factors may actually be out of your control but others could be a result of your own bad habits. If you want to effectively minimize breaking and falling hair, don’t forget to use Aveda’s hair care products to prevent hair fall and damage. 
Hair salons in Albany like Purity Hair Design that use Aveda products show amazing results and you’ll get strengthened hair back in no time.

But before you start the treatment, let’s look into the factors that increase the chances of hair damage and hair fall.

#1: Tight Ponytails

Ponytails are a great way to keep the hair off your face during work or in school. It’s also the go-to hairstyle for athletes and women who enjoy playing sports. But while ponytails can keep the flying hair strands at bay, tight and high ponytails can seriously damage your hair.

The pressure the pony puts on your hair affects the strength of it and you could be seeing a lot more split ends in hair that is regularly kept up in a ponytail than hair that is allowed to be free and let down. If you’re really a fan of ponytails, then the alternative could be a low, softer one that doesn’t put too much pressure on your hair.

#2: Brushing Too Much

The type of brush you use and the technique you use while brushing your hair can all affect the health of your hair. Try not to brush your hair when it’s wet because it increases their breakage frequency. Discard old brushes and use ones that have softer bristles instead of those that physically hurt your scalp when your brush. Using a comb can also damage hair but if you absolutely must use a comb, use a wide-toothed one.

#3: Washing and Drying too Much

Hair that is constantly exposed to the chemicals in shampoos is hair that is constantly damaged. Wash your hair every other day or 2-3 times a week with Aveda products to minimize damage. Drying your hair with a towel can also damage hair considerably. Either let it air dry or use a soft cloth to dry it.

#4: Using Irons and Blow Dryers

Using straightening or curling irons and blow dryers to style your hair is a sure way to damage your hair. If you’re in a profession where styling your hair every day is a necessity, then use Aveda’s hair care products before styling to minimize damage and hair fall.

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